There's been a major update and overhaul and the blog has moved. Only posts pre-2015 are on this site. But please check out the new website here.

It's All Coming Together!

So yes, it's been ages since there was a blog post, but that's for many reasons. One, this blog will soon be moving and I'm busy designing and working and figuring out GoDaddy and Wordpress. It's coming soon! See the countdown here: Two, there is so much more work to get my book out in print than I expected! There's the ISBN, barcode, legal deposit, CIP and a ton more stuff. Plus I am very very busy getting auditions set up for the book trailer. (See the audition ad here) Three, getting all the social stuff done and put together! Doesn't the header above look amazing? Super big thanks to Deranged Doctor Design for all their amazing work. Should be tackling more reviews and fun videos and blog stuff soon! Stick around and I'll make sure to let all of you, my amazing readers, know the second Lasera is available for pre-order :D


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