There's been a major update and overhaul and the blog has moved. Only posts pre-2015 are on this site. But please check out the new website here.

Lack of Posts = A Great Surprise!

I'm loving that I'm still getting amazing book review requests and I've already delved into so many of them (despite my very conspicuous lack of posts). Here's the thing. There's a reason why there hasn't been a lot of things from me or reviews in the last while. I'll be sharing some specific details in a post on Monday, but not the main one.

Some HUGE is coming! And it's the main reason. (If you didn't guess) I can't wait to tell all you lovely readers about it. Keep your eyes glued here and check back, I'm so excited for this you have no idea. I'm staying up way too late all the time working on it and am very zombie like with my kids and hubby the next day. :P The surprise is coming! :D


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