I'd told some of the people I met at the conference and my family and friends that I plan on attending a type of writer's conference or festival every six months. It both mentally gives me a break from the day to day work of creating and writing, and allows for invaluable networking and connecting, plus I LOVE talking with other writers.
But how to keep the high from that conference? It's a week later and I still feel like I'm going strong. How have I done this now as opposed to any other time I've attended writer's workshops or conferences? Well I started by setting realistic goals for myself and writing them down. Specifically right onto my desk calendar so I can see my deadlines and goals in front of me everyday. Plus I've set aside a big chunk of time to write every week. Many good authors tell you to write every day. I'd say the same, and I try to do so, but as a mom of two very active little kids it sometimes just isn't possible (my daughter got 8 teeth in 3 weeks last month - see teeth, teeth, teeth ) and therefore I PLAN to write for more than 3 hours at least once a week. I also made an agreement with a friend of mine at this conference and actually made a hand shake "pact" out of it. Therefore, I now have to hold myself accountable to her.
In an easy to read list - 3 Ways to Keep the Writer's High
1. Set realistic goals. Write them down. On a Calendar.
2. Set TIME to write weekly. This needs to be a big chunk. 3 hours plus.
3. Get a friend to hold you accountable. Choose one specific deadline and make sure you stay on track and report to your friend.
I learned a lot that I hadn't even considered before at this conference, but I have to keep going and so do all the other writers out there. Unite writers of the world and keep that high as long as possible!
But because of that high I have to get back to writing novel #2 in the Lasera series. :D
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** Reviews for novels submitted start up again next week. Plus those who are fans of my Recipe Recaps and WAM Moments of the Week? Keep coming back. Tons more content and plans are coming for both of those next week. There's also some great new things that'll be dropping into the blog soon :D